About the project


iziDBConnect is the easy way to connect your InDesign document with your database.

With this InDesign add-on, you can auto-fill layouts like classifieds, event listings, music concert listings, film previews... with your database data.

The add-on is ready to connect to your MySQL database and SQL Server. More databases will be coming soon.

To create a configuration, you only need five easy steps:

STEP 1. Enter a name and the connection data: user, password, database, and server. If your database server runs in a non-standard port, then add it.

STEP 2. Select query mode. You can select between two query modes.
Table: Select a table name and what table column you want to use to order rows. You can add more than one column, and you can add a standard SQL order statement.
SQL: Write a SQL statement. Any statement that your database supports.

STEP 3. Connect DB column names to InDesign Tags.

Inside your Indesign document, define a text frame in your layout with the text design. Then, tag it with "sample_text". Next, create your InDesign Tags and tag the replace text with the InDesign Tags you have defined.

STEP 4. If you want to insert headers between contents, select mode:
Fill with the first character: Only add a header when the field's first character is not equal to the previous field's first character. Fill with full-field: Add a header when the field is not equal to the previous field. Inside your Indesign document, define a text frame in your layout with the header design. Tag it with “sample_header” and tag the replace text inside the sample_header with “sample_header_title”.

STEP 5. Tag the text frame you want to fill with the database data with the “target” tag.

iziDBConnect - Adobe Add-ons

iziDBConnect - Adobe Add-ons Download iziDBConnect on Adobe Exchange

InDesign CC

If you have problems with the installation or can not find iziDBConnect from the Window→Extensions menu in Adobe InDesign, please see the following troubleshooting guide for Adobe add-ons.

* iziDBConnect is a product of Revolumedia.
We are specialists in developing software for exporting/importing InDesign contents.
If you need a custom-made development contact us.

To know more about how iziDBConnect works, you can watch the videos "How to..." and download these samples with already-tagged InDesign documents:

Download .indd samples (.zip)


iziImport - Import WordPress to Adobe InDesign

Import WordPress to Adobe InDesign

Import content from WordPress or any CMS to Adobe InDesign. Allows you to have a Digital-First Strategy in your organization.

iziExport - Export Adobe InDesign to WordPress

Export Adobe InDesign to WordPress

Turn any InDesign article into a new WordPress post.


iziDBConnect - Import Database to Adobe InDesign

Download iziDBConnect on Adobe Exchange

If you have problems with the installation or can not find iziDBConnect from the Window→Extensions menu in Adobe InDesign, please see the following troubleshooting guide for Adobe add-ons.

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